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The METAVERSE- A Philosophical Perspective
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, many aspects of the reality that we have been accustomed to, have changed. All at once, reality has become an unstable and inconvenient place to live in. Many of our basic needs for social gathering and human interaction became very limited. This situation had a psychological impact, and emotions such as uncertainty, confusion, anxiety and fear of the future, have been growing dramatically in our society.
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The Importance of Context
Philosophers and social scientists agree that human action can only be fully understood by relating it to the context in which it takes place. Nothing can be understood in isolation from its context, and nothing even exists without a context. It is always the context that gives meaning to what we think and do, and explains why we do what we do.
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Unity Through Diversity: The Universal Language of Rhythm
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01 Apr 2024
Heritage – The Foundation of the Future: Architect Parul Zaveri’s Journey (Event Synopsis)
Architect Parul Zaveri established Abhikram (Sanskrit: initiation) to explore design directions and processes that make built environments functionally, psychologically, environmentally and spiritually more contextual, more comfortable and more healthfully livable for all.
At a time when energy guzzling steel, cement and glass towers are making towering bar-graphs of our city skylines, Parul and her late partner Nimish Patel have been successfully re-establishing the use of traditional material, technologies and craftsmen, adapted to a contemporary context. The path has not been easy, but armed with a clear intention and an unwavering conviction that has seen them refuse projects when clients’ belief systems are not in consonance with their own, and courageously stipulating environmentally friendly materials and processes as a precondition, they have embarked on building a better world.
01 Oct 2019
Zen Gardens as a Portal to Contemplation
It is said that the founder of Buddhism in Japan, the monk Mahakashyapa, received his illumination directly from Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha), during what is known as the Silent Sermon or the Flower Sermon. Buddha held up a white flower to a crowd of assembled monks.
01 Apr 2024
Harmony and the Art of True Friendship
A wise man once said, “One close real friend is better than ten distant and estranged brothers.” Does true and unconditioned comradeship still exists in the 21st century? How different is real friendship from having casual friends or from “Facebook Friends”? Can this kind of lasting and profound friendship be found? How and where?
There are many kinds of friendships, some casual, some romantic, some are pleasant like flowers that bloom for a day or like a summer cloud, but some rare ones are as firm as an oak. These rare relationships do not depend on passing needs or on momentary interests.
01 Apr 2017
Philosophy of History: A Key to the Past, the Present and the Future
There is an old Eastern saying which states: “The Past Time is the Present Time, as also the Future, which, though it has not come into existence, still is.” In the Eastern view of time, reality exists beyond the temporal realm and what we experience as separate stages are actually part of a simultaneous reality. This is an interesting concept, implying that the past still exists, the present is but a fleeting moment and the future already exists in the blueprint of nature. It would be one way of explaining the many instances of prophecy that have been recorded in history.
01 Apr 2019
Book Recommmendation – The Path to Victory
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28 Mar 2023
Idealism, Philosophy, Volunteering – Three Pathways for Change
Many of us wish to change the world. But how can it be done?
First of all, it is obvious we are not just seeking to change the world – the world is changing anyhow, regardless of what we do. The ancient philosophers wisely stated that the only permanent thing in the world is change.
In reality, it is not change we seek, it is a certain, positive, change – a diversion of the river’s flow, an orientation towards a brighter future for humanity.
Second, none of us by ourselves can really make a meaningful impact.
01 Jul 2018
Post-lockdown Values?
“There are decades where nothing happens – and there are weeks where decades happen.” This Lenin quote might sum up how many of us feel regarding the events of 2020. Not that nothing happened before – in my view the last few decades contained quite a lot of events on a mega scale – but the changes triggered by COVID-19 have been unprecedented. As some countries are gradually coming out of complete lockdown, the paramount question is: where do we go from here?
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Daring to Dream of a New and Better World
Tall, trim and relaxed in any environment, Yaron Barzilay smiles easily, but weighs his words very carefully. Understated and well-read, he punctuates his conversations unexpectedly, with an incisive colloquial humor that betrays his acute sense of the current socio-economic and political climate, and his capacious grasp of India’s history and mythology.
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01 Jan 2018
Travelling Beyond: Egypt Explorations with New Acropolis India Part 2 – The Egyptian Temple as a Metaphor for Life
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30 Jun 2024
The Noble Spirit of Competition
With the 2020 Olympic Games being cancelled we may seize the opportunity to reconnect with the spirit of this most famous and prestigious sporting event. For it has not always existed in the format we know it today, the ancient Olympics serving a vastly different purpose than the modern day Olympic Games.
Just how far back they date is a matter of debate but most sources agree that the first Olympics of the ancient world took place in 776 BCE
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Let’s Listen Then In Conversation with Shabnam Virmani
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How to Solve the Economic Crisis: Initiatives Inspired by the Teachings of Plato and Confucius
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