
Oct2016-Living in Interbeing_1

Living In Interbeing

In the journey of life as we grow in consciousness, we start to become aware of a certain truth that dawns on us as gently and as lovingly as the first rays of the rising Sun – that we are all

Oct2016-In Search of Unity

In Search of Unity

By investigating some ancient traditions from various places and various historical periods, it appears that the suggested path of man’s development is synonymous with the principle of Unity. The

Jan2016-The Eternal Sun

The Eternal Sun

Almost every ancient culture thought it important to somehow preserve, communicate and transmit mythology related to this supreme God from generation to generation. Amon in Egypt, Apollo in Greece,

Jan2016-In Search of Excalibur

In Search of Excalibur

Like all mythology, that of illustrious King Arthur has endured the test of time, transmitting essential eternal values that serve to inspire human civilizations of all ages. From its tale, it is

Jan2016-Philosophy in the Boardroom

Philosophy in the Boardroom

When we look around our world today we see an evident change in the last 50 years. Since the post-war reconstruction era that drove mass industrialisation and development of the economies of

Jan2016-Revival of the Renaissance_1

Revival of the Renaissance

This article is a compilation of themes based on a lecture presented by Yaron Barzilay, National Director of New Acropolis Cultural Organization (India), in commemoration of UNESCO endorsed World

Woman eye . Hand painted fashion illustration

The Inner Mirror

Today, as the myth of equality is losing force, it is easier to appreciate the wisdom of the ancients, who affirmed that all things and all beings have a different existence. More than that, even

Oct2015-Architecting the Invisible

Architecting the Invisible

When architects design a building in our times, they share the plan of a proposed building and get the client to approve its design, based on which the building is then taken up for construction.