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October 2015
Oct2015 (Custom)


As if unraveling nature’s secrets, L. Wolfe Gilbert wrote, “Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself.” And perhaps Man has yearned to interact with these secrets since the beginning of civilization; the lawyer through his quest for Justice, the scientist through his investigations to unravel Truth, and the artist through his ability to capture Beauty on a canvas, in the notes of a raga, or in the building of magnificent sacred spaces. Although diverse, these journeys naturally converge to a single point; the serene and peaceful happiness that results from the realization of the unifying essence that lies beyond forms.

Perhaps this ‘secret of life’ is not really a secret after all. Nature seems to open wide her embrace, singing her song, unendingly inviting us to listen. We must just tune in and align with her laws, in order to find their resonance within.

The approaching winter months are an introspective opportunity to discover, awaken, and transform.


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