Dear Reader,
Without a stable axis, it is easy to get lost in the maze of complexity; without a bridge, easy to get stuck in the realm of superficiality that we have in the world today. Philosophy offers a paradigm shift beyond just an alternative perspective, in a journey that leads us past the confines of dogma, whether scientific or religious, it helps to connect to the essence of things as they are meant to be.
Through the philosophical lens, science fundamentally is more than mere reason; it embodies a sincere pursuit for truth, an endeavour to understand the intricacies of life. Art whether manifested in music, painting or any other form, becomes a conduit for our inward journey. It can help unveil our layers and facilitate an exploration of our true identity, allowing us to imagine our potential and strive towards its realization.
To deal with the separation we see today, we need to glimpse the oneness of life. Philosophy is the way to discover the unbreakable connection between the individual and the collective whole. It provides us a compass on how we can lead a more harmonious life – more in tune with ourselves, with society, and consequently with life at large.
With the celebrations of World Philosophy Day this past November, and as we transition from winter towards spring, a timeless odyssey beckons us to Discover. Awaken, Transform.
She feels that she didn’t ‘choose Dhrupad’, rather she organically got drawn to an ecosystem where the ideal teacher and music were present. The meaning of taleem, for her, is a unique exchange, which is not just training but rather a process of giving and receiving.
How do we utilize this human potential to overcome darkness?
Sivan: I want to tell you a secret. There is only light. There is no darkness. Because darkness is not the opposite of light, it’s just the absence of light. So, our focus needs to be on the light and how to work with the light.
Just as an artist uses shadows to create depth in a painting, let us look at the challenges that life brings us as shadows that help us develop strength and a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. Like the shadows bring out the contours and highlights in a painting, the obstacles we face in life sculpt our character and reveal our resilience
Science found its place and its legitimacy in the last century with the blossoming of modernity. If in our age, the so-called post-modern era, it still wishes to occupy its rightful place, it needs to reform
The practice of concentration is essential so that each of us can freely build our destiny. It allows us to get out of confusion and helps us to better control ourselves. Concentration exercises in daily life facilitate the development of our ability to overcome obstacles without repression or violence in order to obtain a more harmonious daily life.
Far from being an academic exercise of accumulating information about philosophers, Philosophy was always meant to be a path of investigation, of discovering our true nature, while simultaneously
discovering deeper truths about life: Who am I? Is there a purpose to life?