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October 2022
Oct 2022-The-Acropolitan- Cover


In this issue we bring to you something truly special – an interview with the International President of New Acropolis, who addresses questions about various aspects of the organization, the founding ideals and goals of New Acropolis, and reiterates the need for and value of philosophy in today’s times.

The path of philosophy offers the ability to bring a coherent meaning to our existence.

Many ancient civilizations lived in alignment and harmony with nature. While in some parts of the world there is still an attempt to hold on to this way of life, for many of us we can only see some remnants of this as part of our cultural legacy, as some festivals that mark and celebrate specific moments in nature. Could we use these celebrations as an opportunity to renew that connect and alignment with nature which our ancestors seemed to have?

Today, in the cycle of seasons as we move from autumn towards winter, it perhaps offers an invitation for us to go within. Instead of continually looking outwards, in an attempt to seek validation from others, we must define our own parameters to measure success. We must choose the meaning we wish to give our lives. We must dare to Discover, Awaken, Transform.


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