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January 2021
Jan2021 (Custom)


For decades it has seemed that our civilization is unstoppable; with unprecedented advancements in technology and medicine, sophisticated economic infrastructure, and a celebration of so-called human rights across the globe, we have promised ourselves a glorious future. However, the last several months have revealed the underlying uncertainty and fragility that lie at the foundation of almost every political, economic, and social construct, that we have taken for granted in our times.

For many, it is clear, now more than ever before, that there must be more to life than simply amassing comfort and ensuring survival. There is a need to really live with the resolve to discover and fulfill a meaningful purpose - one that cannot be isolated and disconnected from others. Because ultimately, there is Ubuntu; we are intimately connected to each other, we depend on each other, and our identities are defined in light of each other.

Hence, the opportunity to awaken the inner hero to face the everyday battles where the eternal virtuous Self struggles against the egoistical and ignorant self. The reality of this battle is offered time and again in our mythical and literary traditions. Either like Arjuna, we courageously use our time here to face life on the side of Truth and Goodness, or like Shakespeare’s Othello we allow ourselves to be consumed by the confusion of doubt and fear to meet a tragic end. Ultimately it is a matter of our own inner decision.

Let us therefore Discover and recognize the battlefields that lie before us. Let us Awaken the inner warrior of peace. And let us, together, dare to Transform our world. Let us make our time here count!


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