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April 2015
Apr2015 (Custom)


The past hundred years have seen a rapid rise in the pace at which technology has changed and affected our lives. We have discovered countless solutions to reduce suffering, increase efficiency, and cheat old age. However, has this progress led to increased happiness, or made our lives any more meaningful?

Perhaps somewhere along the way, we have confused our means with our goals. Perhaps somewhere along the way, we have surrendered our most glorious attribute, our inner freedom to express our true selves through the practice of Virtues. Virtues are the essence of our character, the natural qualities of the divine that exist within every human being. Yet they remain astonishingly unexplored. We have ingeniously learnt to imitate nature, but remain blind to the values that governs her every facet. We investigate history and archeology, but dismiss ancient civilizations as primitive, unable even to conceive, let alone express, these virtues.

With this issue of The Acropolitan we explore the values and virtues that have remained unchanged through human history. Whether we look to nature for inspiration, or to Scientists and Artists who devote their lives to unravel the secrets of life, it is clear that the solutions transcend geographical, ethnic, and cultural boundaries.


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